Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSR)

MoneyBestPal Team
Australia's short-term money market benchmark interest rate.

Main Findings

  • The Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSR) is a fundamental part of the Australian financial system.
  • The Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSR) serves as a benchmark for numerous financial products, provides insights into market conditions, aids in risk management, and plays a role in the implementation of monetary policy.

The Bank Bill Swap Rate, often abbreviated as BBSR, is Australia's short-term money market benchmark interest rate.

It's the rate at which banks are willing to lend to each other on an unsecured basis for a specified period. The BBSR is a key reference rate in the Australian financial markets and is commonly used in setting floating interest rates for loans, bonds, derivatives, and other financial instruments.

The BBSR is based on the Australian Dollar (AUD) bank bills, which are short-term debt instruments issued by banks to meet their funding requirements.

These bank bills are typically issued for terms ranging from 30 days to 180 days, and they're traded in the secondary market, which helps determine the BBSR.

The BBSR is calculated as an average of the rates at which bank bills are traded in the market. It's published daily by the Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA) and is considered a transparent and reliable benchmark for short-term interest rates in Australia.

Why is the BBSR Important?

The BBSR plays a crucial role in the Australian financial system for several reasons:

Benchmark for Financial Products

The BBSR serves as a benchmark for a wide range of financial products, including loans, bonds, and derivatives. Financial institutions often set the interest rates on these products relative to the BBSR. For example, a loan might have an interest rate of BBSR plus a fixed margin. This means that as the BBSR changes, the interest rate on the loan will also change.

Indicator of Market Conditions

The BBSR reflects the cost of short-term borrowing in the Australian money market. Therefore, it's a useful indicator of the overall conditions in the financial market.

When the BBSR is high, it suggests that short-term borrowing is more expensive, which could indicate tighter financial conditions. Conversely, a low BBSR suggests that short-term borrowing is less expensive, indicating looser financial conditions.

Risk Management Tool

For businesses and investors, the BBSR can be used as a risk management tool. By linking the interest rates on their loans or investments to the BBSR, they can protect themselves against changes in market interest rates. This is known as interest rate risk management.


Monetary Policy Implementation

The BBSR is also important for the implementation of monetary policy by the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). The RBA uses various tools to influence market interest rates, with the goal of keeping them close to its target cash rate. The BBSR is one of the rates that the RBA monitors closely in this process.

The Formula for Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSR)

The formula for calculating the BBSR is based on the pricing of bank bills. A bank bill's price is determined by discounting its face value by the interest rate over the term of the bill. The formula for the price of a bank bill is:


P = FV / (1 + r * (n/365))



- P is the price of the bank bill,

- FV is the face value of the bank bill,

- r is the annual interest rate (expressed as a decimal), and

- n is the number of days to maturity.


The BBSR is the interest rate r that makes the present value of the bank bill's face value equal to its market price. Therefore, we can rearrange the formula to solve for r:

r = ((FV / P) - 1) * (365/n) 

This is the formula for the BBSR. It shows that the BBSR is determined by the face value and price of the bank bill, as well as the number of days to maturity.

How to Calculate the BBSR

Calculating the BBSR involves the following steps:

1. Obtain the necessary data

You'll need the face value and price of the bank bill, as well as the number of days to maturity. This data can be obtained from financial market data providers or the Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA).

2. Substitute the data into the formula

Substitute the face value (FV), price (P), and number of days to maturity (n) into the formula for the BBSR.

3. Calculate the BBSR

Perform the calculations to find the BBSR. This will give you the annual interest rate at which the bank bill is traded in the market.

Remember, the BBSR is expressed as an annual rate, so it represents the cost of borrowing for a one-year period. However, bank bills are typically issued for terms of 30 to 180 days, so the BBSR is often used for short-term borrowing costs.

Examples of BBSR Calculation

Let's illustrate the calculation of the BBSR with an example:

Suppose a bank bill with a face value of AUD 1,000,000 is traded at a price of AUD 990,000 and has 90 days to maturity. We can substitute these values into the formula for the BBSR:

r = ((FV / P) - 1) * (365/n)

Substituting the given values:

r = ((1,000,000 / 990,000) - 1) * (365/90)


This gives us:

r = 0.010101 * 4.05556 = 0.0410

So, the BBSR for this bank bill is approximately 4.10%.

Limitations of the BBSR

While the BBSR is a key benchmark in the Australian financial markets, it has several limitations:

Market Disruptions

The BBSR is based on the trading of bank bills in the money market. If there are disruptions in the market, such as a financial crisis or a sudden change in market sentiment, it could affect the trading of bank bills and, consequently, the BBSR.

Lack of Transactions

The BBSR is calculated as an average of the rates at which bank bills are traded. If there are few transactions in the market, the BBSR may not accurately reflect the cost of short-term borrowing.

Risk of Manipulation

Like other financial benchmarks, the BBSR is potentially susceptible to manipulation. If market participants collude to influence the trading of bank bills, they could manipulate the BBSR.

Not a Risk-Free Rate

While the BBSR reflects the cost of borrowing in the money market, it's not a risk-free rate. The trading of bank bills involves credit risk, which is the risk that the issuer of the bill will default. Therefore, the BBSR includes a credit risk premium, which may not be suitable for all purposes.


The Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSR) is a fundamental part of the Australian financial system. It serves as a benchmark for numerous financial products, provides insights into market conditions, aids in risk management, and plays a role in the implementation of monetary policy.

Understanding the BBSR, its calculation, and its limitations is therefore essential for anyone involved in finance or investing in Australia.

However, like any financial benchmark, the BBSR has its limitations. It can be affected by market disruptions, lack of transactions, risk of manipulation, and it's not a risk-free rate. Therefore, it's important to consider these factors when using the BBSR in financial decision-making.


  • Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA). (2021). Bank Bill Swap (BBSW) Benchmark Rate Administration. AFMA.
  • Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). (2021). The Cash Market. RBA.
  • Hull, J. (2020). Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives. Pearson.
  • Fabozzi, F. J., Modigliani, F., & Jones, F. J. (2010). Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions. Pearson.


The BBSR is published daily by the Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA).

The BBSR is commonly used as a benchmark for loans, bonds, derivatives, and other financial instruments.

A high BBSR suggests that short-term borrowing is more expensive, indicating tighter financial conditions. Conversely, a low BBSR suggests that short-term borrowing is less expensive, indicating looser financial conditions.

By linking the interest rates on their loans or investments to the BBSR, businesses and investors can protect themselves against changes in market interest rates.

The RBA uses various tools to influence market interest rates, with the goal of keeping them close to its target cash rate. The BBSR is one of the rates that the RBA monitors closely in this process.

The BBSR can be affected by market disruptions, lack of transactions, risk of manipulation, and it’s not a risk-free rate.
