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Freakonomics Revised and Expanded Edition 

In their book Freakonomics, authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner use economic theory and statistical analysis to delve into everything's shadowy side. 

The book is divided into six chapters, each of which takes a unique approach to examining a specific societal topic or event.

Here are some of the main topics and insights from the book:

Incentives are the forces that motivate human behavior.

These could be moral, societal, or economic. Occasionally incentives can produce unanticipated or undesirable results, like fraud, corruption, or criminal activity. For instance, when Israeli childcare facilities fined parents for picking up their children late, the parents ended up being even late because they perceived the payment as a cost rather than a punishment. 

Similarly, several Chicago teachers cheated by altering test answers when their pay was contingent on their student's exam scores.

Information is power, and information asymmetry is when one party has more or better information than another. 

This could result in a benefit for the informed party or a cost for the uninformed party. For instance, the Ku Klux Klan employed mysterious rituals and codes to engender dread, but Stetson Kennedy managed to enter the organization and reveal its secrets on a radio program. 

Real estate brokers do the same thing; they utilize their understanding of the market and the preferences of the sellers to sway the decisions of the purchasers and boost their commissions.

Conventional wisdom is often wrong, or at least incomplete. 

It may be founded on incorrect presumptions, skewed data, or false narratives. It takes the appropriate questions, the right evidence, and careful analysis to refute common thought. For instance, the book challenges the perception that drug traffickers are wealthy and powerful by demonstrating that the majority of them make less than the minimum wage and are in significant danger of being violently attacked. 

It also casts doubt on the widely accepted theory that new enforcement techniques were responsible for the sharp decline in crime rates in the 1990s by emphasizing the important contributions of other causes, such as the legalization of abortion.

Correlation does not imply causation, and causation is hard to prove. 

There are several instances where relationships that appear to exist may only be coincidences or the result of a third factor. One must isolate the impact of one variable on another while accounting for additional variables that could have an impact on the result in order to demonstrate causation. 

Natural experiments, randomized experiments, and regression analysis are all effective methods for achieving this. The book, for instance, analyzes data from Romania to demonstrate that children who are adopted earlier in life have better outcomes than those who are adopted later, indicating that the early childhood environment has a causal effect on cognitive development.

Human behavior is complex and often influenced by hidden factors.

These influences can occasionally be subliminal or irrational, such as peer pressure, herd mentality, or loss aversion. Altruism, self-interest, or signaling are examples of situations where they are expected yet logical. Looking deeper into the underlying motives and incentives will help one better comprehend human behavior. 

For instance, the book looks at how names affect people's chances in life and why names vary between cultures and classes. It also looks at the reasons behind people's decisions to commit suicide or join gangs and how social norms and economic reality influence these choices.


The central concept of "Freakonomics" is that everything operates based on economic incentives and disincentives. The authors explore a range of topics from crime to parenting to show that things are often not what they seem.

"Freakonomics" focuses on the role of incentives in human behavior. The authors argue that humans usually make decisions based on the incentives for their actions. These incentives fall into three general categories: economic incentives, moral incentives (i.e., doing the “right thing”), and social incentives (i.e., being praised or criticized by one’s peers).

"Freakonomics" examines cheating in different walks of life. For instance, in the Chicago Public School system, there is an economic incentive for teachers to cheat on the results of standardized tests. In sumo wrestling, an unusually high number of sumo wrestlers with a 7-7 record will defeat opponents with an 8-6 record, likely because the 8-6 wrestler has been bribed to throw the round.

"Freakonomics" discusses the role of information asymmetry, where one person or group has more information than another person or group. The Ku Klux Klan is a classic example of this, controlling lots of private information like passwords and secret handshakes.

"Freakonomics" suggests that conventional thinking often is wrong, and people make decisions based on what they want to do, not on what they should do. Incentives push and pull humans toward those decisions.

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