Atomic Habits

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Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones 

Do you wish to better your life and your habits? Do you have trouble maintaining healthy habits or quitting bad ones? Have you ever wondered how some people manage to take seemingly insignificant actions and get amazing results?

If you said "yes" to any of them, James Clear's book "Atomic Habits" is for you. This book is a thorough, useful instruction on how to alter your behaviors and improve 1% every day.

What are atomic habits?

Atomic habits are brief, simple, and frequent routines or practices that give rise to extraordinary power and cumulative growth. They are known as atomic not just because of their small size, similar to atoms, but also because they are the basic building blocks of all behavior. They serve as the foundation for your identity, performance, and outcomes.

Atomic habits don't require dramatic transformations to occur suddenly. They center on continually achieving little gains over time. They are founded on the idea of compound interest, which states that over time, small gains made each day build up to significant gains.

For instance, if you make 1% of a change each day for a year, you will be 37 times better at the end of the year. On the other hand, if you decrease 1% per day for a year, you will eventually reach a point close to zero. A modest victory or a slight setback might grow into something much bigger over time.

Why do you need atomic habits?

Atomic habits are necessary since they provide the foundation for reaching your objectives and evolving into the person you desire. Simply said, your current identity is reflected in your current activities. Everything you do right now is a reflection of the kind of person you think you are (either consciously or subconsciously).

You must begin to believe new things about yourself if you want to permanently alter your behavior. Create identity-based practices for yourself. This entails putting more emphasis on who you want to become rather than what you want to accomplish.

For instance, if you want to reduce weight, don't concentrate on shedding 10 pounds. Put your attention into improving your health. Do not concentrate on writing 50,000 words if you want to write a book. Concentrate on developing your writing career. 

Don't concentrate on running 26 miles if you want to run a marathon. Concentrate on developing your running skills.

The more you repeat a behavior, the more you reinforce the identity associated with that behavior. Every action is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. The objective is to develop as a runner, not to complete a marathon. 

The objective is to develop as a writer, not to publish a book. The objective is to become a musician, not to learn an instrument.

How do you build atomic habits?

The process of building a habit can be divided into four simple steps: cue, craving, response, and reward. These steps form a feedback loop that is called the habit loop.
  • Your brain starts a behavior when it receives a cue. It is a piece of knowledge that foretells a reward.
  • The driving reason behind every habit is the craving. You are motivated to do action by a desire or feeling.
  • The action that you take in response is the habit itself. It could be a thinking or a deed.
  • Every habit's ultimate goal is the reward. It is the advantage or satisfaction you derive from engaging in the habit.

To build good habits and break bad ones, you can use a simple set of rules that James Clear calls the Four Laws of Behavior Change. They are:
  • Make it obvious: Make the cue for your good habit visible and noticeable.
  • Make it attractive: Make the craving for your good habit appealing and desirable.
  • Make it easy: Make the response for your good habit simple and effortless.
  • Make it satisfying: Make the reward for your good habit immediate and gratifying.

These four laws correspond to the four steps of the habit loop:
  • Cue -> Make it obvious
  • Craving -> Make it attractive
  • Response -> Make it easy
  • Reward -> Make it satisfying

To break bad habits, you can invert these four laws:
  • Make it invisible: Reduce exposure to the cue for your bad habit.
  • Make it unattractive: Reframe the craving for your bad habit as negative and harmful.
  • Make it difficult: Increase friction and effort for the response for your bad habit.
  • Make it unsatisfying: Delay or remove the reward for your bad habit.

What are some examples of atomic habits?

Here are some examples of atomic habits that you can implement in your life:
  • To read more books, make it obvious by placing them in visible spots around your house, make it attractive by choosing books that interest you, make it easy by setting a small goal of reading one page per day, and make it satisfying by tracking your progress and celebrating your achievements.
  • To exercise more, make it obvious by scheduling a specific time and place for your workout, make it attractive by joining a group or a class that you enjoy, make it easy by preparing your clothes and equipment beforehand, and make it satisfying by rewarding yourself with a healthy snack or a relaxing shower.
  • To meditate more, make it obvious by setting a reminder on your phone or using an app, make it attractive by listening to soothing music or using aromatherapy, make it easy by starting with just one minute per day, and make it satisfying by noticing how calm and focused you feel afterward.
  • To eat healthier, make it obvious by keeping healthy foods in plain sight and unhealthy foods out of reach, make it attractive by adding spices and sauces to your meals, make it easy by preparing your food in advance or using a delivery service, and make it satisfying by savoring the taste and texture of your food.

How can you apply atomic habits to your life?

To apply atomic habits to your life, you need to follow these steps:
  • Identify the type of person you want to become. This is your desired identity.
  • Identify the habits that align with your desired identity. These are your atomic habits.
  • Apply the Four Laws of Behavior Change to each habit. Make them obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying.
  • Track your habits and measure your progress. Use a habit tracker or a journal to record your actions and outcomes.
  • Review your habits and adjust your system. Analyze what works and what doesn't, and make changes accordingly.

Keep in mind that developing atomic behaviors is not about getting a certain outcome. Becoming a better version of yourself is the goal. It's about realizing your potential and achieving your goals. It involves setting up a system that serves your needs and advances your objectives.

The secret to releasing compound growth's power in your life is atomic behaviors. It is the little adjustments that produce extraordinary outcomes. They mark the boundary between your current self and your ideal self.


The Four Laws of Behavior Change is a simple set of rules for creating good habits and breaking bad ones. They are: make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying.

The book emphasizes the power of small improvements made on a daily basis. It suggests that improving by 1 percent isn’t particularly notable— sometimes it isn’t even noticeable—but it can be far more meaningful, especially in the long run.

The Plateau of Latent Potential is a concept that describes the period where people feel they are making no progress despite their efforts. It's only after crossing this plateau that people start to see the results of their work.

The book suggests viewing setbacks as part of the process and not as a reason to give up. It emphasizes the importance of perseverance and maintaining the system of habit formation.

The book suggests that our habits are a reflection of our identity. To change our habits, we need to start believing new things about ourselves and build identity-based habits.

You can get a copy of this book through the link below: